Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Missed Ribs

Till 6pm yesterday I was patting myself on the back, because I was not beset by the usual symptoms of my Sunday dose of Interferon. Gone was the overwhelming tiredness, gone was the lack of interest in the world. Chuffed was the word that came too mind. I've turned a corner I thought. Then I went to get my Ribavirin Tablets (Ribs) for my 7pm dose; I have all my doses in am-pm pots, and was presented with undeniable evidence that I had not taken my morning dose. My lack of symptoms was explained. I was crushed. It was too late too catch up the missed dose. I carried on with my normal 7pm Ribs hoping I had not done too much harm to my treatment at these crucial early stages. I suspect it quite common and not too serious. Annoying though.
Naturally, today, I have felt completely wiped with the usuals: lack of interest, sensitive to sensations, nausea.
At least I know it will improve through the week. Seeing the nurse tomorrow, I will be interested to know the results of last weeks blood tests.


Debi said...

Oh bum! At least I suppose it makes it clear that the negative stuff you are feeling is the direct result of the meds. Dunno if that helps ...

Chris Vacano said...

Riba's a tough drug, and it is remarkable how quickly your body responds to its absence. I started feeling immediately better when I had to suspend it temporarily, and then when I stopped completely. I wouldn't advocate dropping it from your cocktail unless you have to, because the combination greatly increases your statistical odds of success.

That said, the rare missed dose is probably not a huge problem.

I wonder if you can work this into your story somehow... some sort of two-pronged attack on the vultures: one that is palatable/tolerable, and one that "Prometheus" has reservations about. Perhaps two distinct characters who help free him from his torment?

Rich said...

I see where you are coming from Chris. Anything that mirrors the real experience of being on TX is going to ring true in the novel.